Sichuan Restaurant
Sichuan Restaurant
Type - Food
Venue - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Show on Map )
Address - Ethiopia
City - Addis Ababa
Date - 21 Nov 2018 - 31 Dec 2024
Time - 12:00 am

Chinese Asian

Event Date Price

Sold Out !!!

Filling Fast

N.B - You will be assigned a seat at the cinema counter when you receive admission ticket.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s sprawling capital in the highlands bordering the Great Rift Valley, is the country’s commercial and cultural hub. Its National Museum exhibits Ethiopian art, traditional crafts and prehistoric fossils, including replicas of the famous early hominid, "Lucy." The burial place of the 20th-century emperor HaileSelassie, copper-domed Holy Trinity Cathedral, is a neo-baroque architectural landmark. Weather: 10°C, Wind NE at 6 km/h, 41% Humidity Local time: Thursday 8:05 AM